Dear Prayer Partners,
Cindy’s Surgery & Recovery
In August, Cindy was hospitalized for one week with a severe case of diverticulitis. After being released, her condition worsened and she had to be readmitted. Following 2 weeks of testing, fasting, and antibiotics, she underwent an operation to removed 11 inches of her colon and repair a fistula. A week later, Cindy came home and is doing well. In September, we wrote and asked you to pray for her surgery and recovery. Thank you so much for your prayers. We are so very thankful that we serve a prayer hearing and answering God.
During Cindy’s extended stay at the hospital, she had an opportunity to talk to several of her fellow patients about the Lord. Pray that God will work in their lives and that they would visit our church and come to know the Lord as their Savior.
Our Building Dedication Service
On October 4th, we had a special service to dedicate our new building to the Lord. A few pastors were able to join us for the dedication. Brother Kajisa, from Joetsu Bible Baptist Church (where we worked before coming to Nagaoka), preached the dedication message. I challenged our members to surrender themselves to the Lord as well.
We still have some more work left to finish this project, but we are truly thankful for God’s amazing provision. Thank you for the part you played in helping us finish this project. What a blessing you are to us.
Our Co-workers’ New Ministry
On October 6th, the Stanford family returned to the US to start a new ministry to help those with autism. They have been with us since we started Agape and have been a huge part of our ministry. We are going to really miss them. Please pray for them as they begin this new ministry. Please pray for us and the church here as we adjust to working without them.
Thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you.
Co-Laborers for Christ
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