May 4, 2022

Dear Prayer Partner,



We are excited about Covid-19 restrictions being lifted. Now that our building renovations are almost completed and Covid-19 restrictions are being lifted, we are looking forward to getting back to our outreach ministry through out the city of Nagaoka. Pray for God’s leading as we produce a new tract for this outreach. Pray too that hearts will be receptive to the gospel message.


Our Online Bible Study

7 months ago, we started an online Bible study: Firm Foundations: From Creation to Christ. Each Sunday afternoon 11 or so people meet online to study the Bible together. Three of these are lost and are little by little beginning to understand the Bible better. Up until now we have been looking at the Old Testament and laying a foundation for the gospel message. From June, we will begin looking at the life of Christ and the gospel itself. Please continue to pray for this online study. Pray especially for those who are lost and need to trust the Lord as their Savior.


Our Ongoing Building Project

Spring has come and we have been able to do some work on our new parking lot. We added some trees, shrubs, flowers, and lawn. To our delight, this outdoor work has opened doors for conversations with people in our neighborhood. Please pray that these conversations will lead to friendships and ultimately to many these people coming to know the Lord.


Thank You for Your Giving

We continue to be amazed by your gracious gifts. Our cup is running over. We thank the Lord for how He continues to supply our every need. We have finally finished most of the pressing renovations. Please pray that God will send many so that His house will be filled.

“Thank you!” fails to adequately express our gratefulness for your faithful support and prayers. We pray God will richly bless you for loving the Japanese people and us like you do.


Co-Laborers for Christ,

Mike & Cindy Burgett

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