Dear Prayer Partners,

Mrs. Sato’s Salvation

We first met Mrs. Sato 5 years ago. Since then, Cindy has been doing a personal Bible study with her. They studied all the stories in Genesis emphasizing our sinfulness, our need for salvation, and God’s promise to send us a Savior. When questioned, Mrs. Sato knew all the right answers, but still would not trust Christ as her own Savior. At times, we began to wonder if she would ever be saved. But the Lord blessed us with a miracle: Mrs. Sato’s salvation. After December’s Bible study, she expressed a strong desire to trust in Christ as her Savior. What a joy this was for Cindy and the rest of our church. What a wonderful answer to prayer. Thank you for praying. Please pray for Mrs. Sato’s walk with the Lord and her testimony to her husband.

Christmas Services

Due to Covid-19, we curtailed some of our normal Christmas plans. Despite this, God blessed us with a good number of people who attended our various Christmas services. God also sent us several first-time visitors. Covid-19 has meant a drop in visitors, so this was a special blessing. Pray for God to give us wisdom. Pray that God will use this pandemic to help people realize their need for the Lord.

A Snowy Winter

Last winter was an unusual winter. We had almost no snow. In contrast, this winter has been a typical one with lots of snow. Thankfully the people in Niigata are used to snow and it has not affected our church attendance.

Tabitha’s Multiple Sclerosis

Two years ago, we asked you to pray for Tabitha’s MS. Shortly after that, Jonathan, Tabitha, and their family arrived here in Japan. Since then she has continued to follow up on it. Recently it appears to have progressed (worsened). Please join us in praying for Tabitha. Pray for healing and wisdom to know the best course of action. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. May God watch over you as you faithfully serve Him.

Co-Laborers for Christ

Mike & Cindy Burgett

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