Dear Prayer Partners,
Mom’s Homegoing
On March 6th, my mom, Ruth Burgett went on to be with the Lord. She was 88. Mom had faithfully served the Lord since she trusted the Lord as a teenager. Mom and Dad spent 20 years as a missionary in Japan. After returning to the US they moved to various cities as they served the Lord. Mom was always active in the churches where they served. She was a blessing to our family and to so many both in Japan and in the US. In our last prayer letter, we asked you to pray for the Lord to comfort Mom. He certainly has comforted her, though in a way we had not imagined. Thank you for your prayers for us and our family.
A New Tract
We put out a new tract, this month. It is titled “Finding Love and Grace in the Words of Christ”. The tract introduces the 7 sayings of the cross and how they reveal Christ’s love and grace towards sinful mankind. Please pray that God will bless His Word as we deliver this tract to homes across our city. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in hearts and that many will respond by trusting Christ as their Savior.
Japan Baptist Bible College
In April, I began teaching New Testament Survey at Japan Baptist Bible College. Last week, 8 Bible school students (see picture below) came to our church for a week of practical evangelism training. They worked hard and were a huge blessing to us and our church. Pray for God’s blessings on these Bible school students as they continue their studies. Pray for God to use them in His work, both here in Japan and around the world.
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers.
Co-Laborers for Christ,
Mike & Cindy Burgett