September 1, 2023
Dear Prayer Partner,
Follow Up Eye Surgery
In January (as mentioned in an earlier prayer letter), I had a retinal tear in my left eye. This required eye surgery which subsequently led to a cataract (considered normal following eye surgery) in my left eye. My cataract got so bad that I was having trouble reading my Bible or seeing my sermon outlines. In July, I underwent cataract surgery and my eyesight has dramatically improved. We are so thankful for good doctors and for God’s healing hand. Thank you so much for praying for my eyes.
New Testament Survey Class
In April, I began teaching New Testament Survey at Japan Baptist Bible College. After a short summer break, I will resume teaching again this month. Please pray for me as I help train young Japanese Bible school students. Pray that God will use these students to help spread the wonderful gospel news to many here in Japan.
Helping at Hope Baptist Church
Will & Rebelle Hill are fellow missionaries working near us in Niigata City. Five years ago, they started Hope Baptist Church. In July, they returned to the US for a furlough. Please pray for God to bless their efforts to raise additional support and funds for a church building. While they are gone, Jonathan (our son) and I will be preaching at their church. Pray that we can be an encouragement and a blessing to this church.
Sapporo Bible Baptist Church
Recently, both of my parents went on to be with the Lord. As many of you know, they were missionaries in Japan for 20 years. God used them to start Sapporo Bible Baptist Church. When my mom and dad died, a number of people sent offerings in lieu of flowers. These offerings along with other gifts from some Japanese churches are being sent to Sapporo Bible Baptist Church. Please pray that God will continue to bless and use this church.
3 Children Saved
Recently, 3 of our Sunday School children trusted the Lord as their Savior. Aimi (a 4th grader) was one of them. Here is Aimi with a drawing she made to show others at school how they too can go to heaven. Please pray that God will bless us with many more children & adults who trust Christ as their Savior.
An Upcoming Missions Conference
Next month, Cindy & I will be speaking at a Missions Conference in a church near Nagoya. Pray that we will be an encouragement to this church as it seeks to tell Japanese about their Savior.
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. We pray that God will richly bless and use you there.
Co-Laborers for Christ,
Mike & Cindy Burgett