April 5, 2017
Dear Prayer Partners,
God Gave Us An Amazing Gift
On March 29th, we asked you to pray with us about an amazing piece of property being sold by the Japanese national government. This property was formerly housing for government employees. The property includes 2 buildings and parking space for about 30 cars. One building is a 4 story, 8 unit apartment building. Another (pictured below is a 3 story dormitory, which we will be converting into our new church building. Thank you so much for praying for this. Today we went to place our bid on this property. Our bid was accepted and now we begin the process of purchasing this property from the national government. We will not be able to take possession of the property until the end of May, but what an amazing gift God has given us. These buildings will open up so many new opportunities for the Lord’s work here in Nagaoka.
Thank You for Praying With Us
We asked for you to pray for God’s will to be done. Thank you for praying with us. No one else showed up to bid on this property. God clearly gave it to us. We thank you for the part you played in making this happen. What an amazing God we serve. He is still a miracle working God.
Lots of Work Ahead
There is a lot of paper work that we must still do in order to receive tax exemption for the purchase of these buildings for our church. Of course, the real work will begin at the end of May when we are will be able get inside and begin remodeling. Please pray for wisdom and finances as we move forward with this great project God has given us. Pray for God to bless and use these facilities for His honor and glory.
Thank you again for your faithfulness to give and pray for our work here in Japan. May we rejoice together, as co-laborers for Christ, for the Lord’s bountiful provision.
Co-Laborers for Christ,
Mike & Cindy Burgett