March 23, 2015
Dear Prayer Partner,
A Mission’s Trip to Indonesia
In January, God gave me the opportunity to visit our Japanese missionaries in Indonesia. While there, I had the privilege of speaking at the national fellowship meeting in Indonesia. What blessing and joy it was to see and hear the Indonesians as they worshiped Christ, our Savior. Of course, I could not understand much of what they were actually singing or preaching, but their love and fervor for the Lord was obvious. What a joy it was to see how God is working in this predominantly Muslim country.
I especially enjoyed being able to fellowship with our Japanese missionaries. I was thrilled to see how God is blessing them and their work there. Sadly, Indonesia is currently refusing to renew their missionary visas. Please pray for God to intervene in this government policy, so that these and other missionaries to Indonesia will be able to continue preaching Christ in this Muslim country.
Two Mission’s Conferences
In February and March, I also had the opportunity to preach at two mission’s conferences. One conference was at Makuhari Bible Baptist Church, where we used to work. We are so very thankful for the way God continues to bless Pastor Kamiyama and the work at Makuhari. Thank you for continuing to pray for them.
The second conference was at Tsukuba Bible Baptist Church. Tsukuba is a relatively new work. We are so thankful for this church’s burden for worldwide missions. Please pray for Pastor Fukuda and the people of Tsukuba as they seek to preach Christ to those around the corner and around the world.
New Bible Studies
From April, we will be starting a number of new Bible studies at our work in Nagaoka. One Bible study will focus on introducing the lost to Christ, our Savior. It will be designed to help them come to a place where they can trust Christ as their own Savior. Another Bible study will focus on the needs of baptized believers. It will be desgined to help these believers move forward in their Christian walk. Please pray for our Lord to wonderfully bless and use these new Bible studies for His honor and glory.
Thank You
You’re faithfulness to pray and give is a real blessing to us. We thank the Lord for you, our faithful partners in the ministry. May God richly bless you.
Co-Laborers for Christ,
Mike & Cindy Burgett