Yoshiki’s Salvation
Who is that climbing a tree? That is Yoshiki, who has been coming to our church for some time now. He is in the 3rd grade. In May, after hearing the Bible story of Adam & Eve, during Sunny Kids Club (our Sunday School), he trusted Jesus as his Savior. What a joy it is to see young children come to know the Lord at such an early age. Please pray for Yoshiki and the other children who attend Sunny Kids Club.
The Stanfords Returned
We had asked you to pray for the Stanford’s’ support. God did supply them with added support and they were able to return to work with us in June. What a blessing it is to have them back with us again. Thank you for praying for them and us as we continue the work here.
Our Grandson’s Death
August 1 dawned like any other day, but one phone call changed all of that. Justice Michael Burgett, our grandson, was stillborn. Carl, our oldest son and Daisi, his wife were excitedly awaiting their first child’s birth, but God had other plans. We were able to return for Justice’s funeral and to spend some time with Carl & Daisi. We are thankful that they attend a wonderful church whose pastor and people love and care for them. Please pray for Carl and Daisi and our whole family during this very painful time in our lives.
The Dollar is Up
For a number of years, the dollar was very weak compared to the yen. Thankfully over the past several months, the dollar has regain 20% of its strength against the yen. This has been a huge help to us and other missionaries in Japan.
Co-Laborers for Christ,
Mike & Cindy Burgett