Death and Destruction
On March 11th, northeastern Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake and tsunami. While no one is certain, it looks like over 25,000 Japanese died in this terrible disaster. The damage at the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant has also caused added difficulties for those who live near it.
The saddest part is there are very few churches in this area. Without churches, there is no gospel message. Without the gospel message there is no hope of salvation. 25,000 people swept out into eternity with only a handful knowing our Savior. This truly is the greatest tragedy. Please pray that God will work through this tragedy, that souls will be saved, and that Christians will be burdened for the great need of the gospel here in Japan.
Cindy and I were in the US (for her surgery) when the earthquake hit. I arrived back in Japan on March 13th. We live about 160 miles from the worst hit areas, so our city was not harmed in this earthquake. We are thankful for God’s hand of protection on us and our people.
Relief Efforts
Many relief agencies are helping in the earthquake and tsunami devastated areas. Will Stanford (Russ and Joy’s oldest) has spent the last two weeks as a member of a relief team helping in the devastated areas. Many of the evacuees from around the Fukushima nuclear power plants are being housed in our city. The Stanfords and I are working in these evacuation centers doing what we can to help these dear people who have lost everything. Please pray for God to use us to bring real Hope in this seemingly hopeless situation.
God’s Blessings at Agape
God is continuing to bless His work in Nagaoka. During the last few weeks we have been averaging over 30 in our Sunday morning services. We continue to have a good number of lost people attending our services. Please pray for God to work in their hearts so that they might trust Christ as their Savior.
Cindy’s Surgery
On March 8th, Cindy had to have a radical hysterectomy. She has been having a great deal of trouble for some time now and we are praying that this operation will take care of these problems. She is planning to return to Japan on April 27th. Please pray for her to full recovery.
Thank you for praying. God bless you.
Co-Laborers for Christ,
Mike and Cindy Burgett